Thursday, January 6, 2011

One written in March 1999 in Memphis.

Taking on

The banana spider finds time to consider;
May humbleness be learned from a humble fly?
It spider-sips each precious drop, 
drinking humble bodies whole.
May humbleness be learned
through liquefaction?
The spider glows with the memory
of two icicles melting through a fly’s humbled thoughts.
This warm recollection summons it
from its humble questioning,
with a silent spider tune:

A grounded spider is a humble spider,
and little will he do,
so lasso silk in humble breeze
and fasten tightly to
the joints in a corner of the sky
that a spider covers with his eyes
and a senseful touch
on a leeside thread
that sways and sighs with a thrumming web,
and the softest lies
whispered to all flies:
here lie,
in this invisible bed...

The spider
lets an empty fly fall
and re-traces his name
in the margins of a broken window.

© 1999 David W. Weimer

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